Reunion Information (June 2013)

Hello family!

Wow this is a huge group. I should make a Facebook page for the family. Holy smokes.

Since we missed this summer’s opportunity for a get-together, I was going to start the planning process right about now. I figure this would give people time to make plans if they wanted to make it.  Here’s our ginormous list of “7 + kids”:

June, Ross, Darren, Michael, Ian and Natalie
Chris, Marlys, Troy and Cheryl
Charlie, Cathy and Christy
Margie, Pat, Aaron and Amber
Janie, Ed, Erik, Heather and Dori
Bob, Ali, Bobby, Chris and Grace
Lori, Alan, Tara and Bryan

What I’m thinking is June 29th here in Seattle again and, much like last time, attending a Mariners game (the Chicago Cubs are in town that day).  I’m more than open with going a different direction and doing a different thing but I’ve found it’s easier to suggest something rather than to play “I don’t know, what do you wanna do?”.  I’m going to this Cubs / Mariners game either way and thought it would be a great opportunity to have all of us come together again.  I know the last time we all got together, we had a lot of fun.  The awesome weather helped out a lot, so cross your fingers on that one.

I’ve created a poll on to the right of this post.  Vote what may be true for you so we can get an idea of what people are thinking.  If you’ve got a better idea on what to do (like a massive BBQ or something at someone’s house for an afternoon for instance), I’m ALL ears!  I just enjoy getting together and spending the day with you all.

The only family I don’t have represented in the list (of the “7 siblings”) is June. If someone wouldn’t mind passing along the information (or point her in the direction of accepting my friend request), that would be awesome.  Please pass this along to other siblings and cousins as well (Bryan for instance).

Reunion Information

That’s right, you read it correctly.  Erik talked to me via Facebook about putting together a reunion.  Naturally, I was wondering what he had in mind but it turns out, he had a pretty good grip on things and had some pretty good ideas on how to put this thing together.  I think all we have left to do is to come up with dates and a venue (probably a park somewhere?).

I put together a list of people out there and, off the top of my head, this is what I came up with (in no real particular order except to say that I THINK I have the 7 kids in the right order):

June, Ross, Darren, Michael, Ian and Natalie
Chris, Marlys, Troy and Cheryl
Charlie, Cathy and Christy
Margie, Pat, Aaron and Amber
Janie, Ed, Erik, Heather and Dori
Bob, Ali, Bobby, Chris and Grace
Lori, Alan, Tara and Bryan

Two things.  Sorry Alan if I misspelled your name.  There are about 37 ways to spell it.  🙂  Secondly, these are “us plus kids” meaning that I could guess my way through everyone’s kids’ names but I wouldn’t be 100% positive.  Some I know, some I don’t.  What a perfect opportunity to meet all of the little ankle biters, no?  🙂

What have Erik and I come up with besides a list of relatives?  We’ve got a state!  We’ve got a month!  We need your help in deciding the rest!

How does the Seattle area in July sound?  We figured Seattle because it’s pretty central for everyone and the most realistic destination.  As much as we’d love to do this in Kodiak, Seattle makes way more sense.  We’ll figure out WHERE in Seattle at a later time (open to suggestions!!).  I’m thinking the weekend of the 10th and 11th (to throw a suggestion out there).  I don’t know much about Magnuson Park but hey, what the heck?

So that’s what I’ve got.  I’ll be getting with as many of you individually as I possibly can whether it be via email, Facebook or telephone.  Please use the “Comments” to post whether you can or can’t make it.  Once we’ve got something hammered out, we can do something more in the way of a formal announcement / invite type of a thing.

Bobby & Sarah

Pumpkin Patch


While Grandpa, Mimi and Auntie Grace were visiting we decided to visit the Pumpkin Patch.


Marris Farms
Marris Farms
Bobby, Sarah, Violet, and Isabelle
Bobby, Sarah, Violet, and Isabelle
Grandpa, Mimi, Auntie Grace, Isabelle and Violet
Grandpa, Mimi, Auntie Grace, Isabelle and Violet   

The Beautiful Girls

Such the Cutie  



Violet has her 1st Birthday Party

 The birthday girl did great.  She was a bit tired toward the end but who wouldn’t be when the day is such a wirlwind!
The birthday girl
The birthday girl
Waiting for the Cake


Oct 3 '09-Violet's 1st Bday (43)


Auntie Kati and Cousin Aiden

Auntie Kati and Cousin Aiden
Brian and Catrina...Auntie Deanna in the background
 Brian and Catina
Auntie Deanna
Auntie Deanna
 There were quite a few more people there but unfortunately since I was a little preoccupied I didn’t get many photos ……SO…..if you have any other pictures I would really appreciate copies!
Also, I huge thank you to Mimi (Ali) and my Mom (Erma) for helping us make this such a great day.


Happy 1st Birthday Violet!!!

The Birthday Girl!
The Birthday Girl!









Where has the time gone.  I can’t believe thata year ago Violet entered this world.  So much has happened.  From Bobby working up on the North Slope.  Isabelle now in Preschool and all the milestones that Violet overtakes.  The last time Bobby was here Violet took her first steps.  She still thinks that crawling is faster.  She can even say a few words…Mama, Dada, kiki kat, Papa, not sure when she is going to be able to say Isabelle  =)  She surprises me that she says this much!



Silly girl






Since Bobby is up working we are waiting to have Violet’s party until he can make it down here.  But in the mean time Isabelle and I felt that we still needed some birthday cupcakes!

 Isabelle helping make birthday cupcakes

 Isabelle helping make birthday cupcakes

Isabelle helping make birthday cupcakes
Happy Birthday to Violet
Happy Birthday to Violet

































This was taken Monday on 1st day of PreschoolIsabelle’s first day of Preschool   Such the big girl! 


Tuesday, Sep 15. I am not sure who is more tired the Preschooler or the Mommy.  Today was day 2 and she was in bed at 9pm tonight….RECORD…Violet was in bed at 830 and I am soon to follow!